Von 20. bis 21. November 2016 werden wir in der Bella Expo 2016 in Amsterdam (Fairer Handel allein Produkte Food & Wine Made in Italy) teilnehmen an der RAI Centre in Amsterdam stattfinden soll; Wir werden auf der E11-Stand auf der "Elicium Zentrum D-Eingang vorhanden sein, wo Sie machen erwarten Sie die Köstlichkeiten der Adria schmecken ...
From 20 to 21 November 2016 we will participate in the Bellavita Expo 2016 in Amsterdam (Fair trade alone products Food & Wine Made in Italy) to be held at the RAI Centre in Amsterdam; we will be present at Elicium Centre entrance D input at the E11 booth where you expect to make you taste the delicacies of the Adriatic Sea ...

Dal 20 al 21 Novembre 2016 parteciperemo al Bellavita Expo 2016 di Amsterdam ( Fiera di soli prodotti Food & Wine trade Made in Italy) che si terrà presso il Centro Rai Amsterdam; saremo presenti all’ Elicium Centre ingresso D presso lo stand E11 dove vi attendiamo per farVi gustare le prelibatezze del nostro Mare Adriatico…